Monday, February 25, 2013

Increasing Scare tactics causing Ransom payouts
There has been a shown increase in a new form of malware called ransomware and scareware; these are payloads that come in either by downloaded rouge files or a network exploit. The main feature that the user gets is as soon as the exploit is triggered your computer gets locked out from user input and a splash screen pops up stating that you have broken a law and the, FBI, CIA or other police enforcement has been notified. The next thing that happens is it will usually give the user the option to pay a fee to unlock the computer. Below is an example of this:

As you can see here it is a very legitimate looking warning, the graphics are correct, the wording seems good, and the fine seems within what would seem reasonable. But don’t be fooled by the exactitude of the graphics and wording, for years spammers and scammers have been able to make their work seem legitimate, and at times more so then, the real thing.  The main thing to remember is that these are ‘fake’ and with a good computer technician on call they can remove these within hours and with any luck not one of your files compromised.
This is a growing concern, as Symantec stated in an article at the end of 2012, it has identified over 16 different version of these, and the criminals have stolen more than five million dollars a year from unsuspecting victims. We have noticed ourselves a growth in the attack level since then and only expect it grow with some regularity in the coming year. Also, a new form of these are out that encrypts you hard drive.
So what do you do when you get this kind of attack?
1.       Don’t panic, stay calm
2.       Turn off the computer and/or disconnect it from the network
3.       Call your computer repair provider and they will be ready and willing help you through this attack.