Thursday, November 20, 2014

How to test SMTP operations using Telnet

How to test SMTP operations using Telnet

1. Telnet into Exchange server hosting IMS service using TCP port 25.
Command is telnet 25

2. Turn on local echo on your telnet client so that you can see what you are typing.
On Win 9x and NT 3.5/4.0 Telnet client this done by selecting the "preferences" from the "terminal" pull down menu, and checking the local echo radio button.  For Windows 2000 telnet client, issue command "set local_echo", from the telnet command prompt.

3. Issue the following smtp command sequence

response should be as follows
250 OK

mail from:
response should be as follows
250 OK - mail from

rcpt to:
response should be as follows
250 OK - Recipient

response should be as follows
354 Send data.  End with CRLF.CRLF

response should be as follows
250 OK


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