Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What are Patches

The word Patch is defined as, “a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point.” So it makes sense that a Software patch would is a piece of code added to software to strengthen its weak points. These weak points are usually were Virus’s, Malware and other attacks are focused on, and the patches remedy the method for a computer system to be vulnerable.

Software updates whether big or small are important. Much like with changing the oil in your car, brushing your teeth daily or going to a doctor for annual checkups, updates are necessary. Computers and the software they use require regular updates to ensure they continue to run safely and efficiently.

Viruses are ever-evolving and your operating system, antivirus and other applications should continuously evolve as well. It’s quite easy to ignore system updates for a while and fall behind the times, becoming vulnerable to new threats.

Updates serve a number of different functions as listed below:
  • ·         Fix security holes
  • ·         Optimize the utilization of resources on the operating system
  • ·         Add newer and more secure features
  • ·         Remove old and unprotected features
  • ·         Update drivers to increase software efficiency

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